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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Coach Acie N 11/28/2012 Crossfit H-town Fight Gone Bad Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
343 reps
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 11/27/2012 Crossfit H-town None As many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
5 clean and jerks (M 135/F 95)
15 air squats
6 rounds 2 reps
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 11/25/2012 Crossfit H-town None 16 toes to rings
16 diamond pushups
16 pullups
45 second handstand hold
12 toes to rings
12 diamond pushups
12 pullups
30 second handstand hold
8 toes to rings
8 diamond pushups
8 pullups
15 second handstand hold
11m 15s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 11/19/2012 Crossfit H-town None 9-6-3 reps of:
Deadlift (M 185/F 125)
Squat Cleans
3m 35s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 11/15/2012 Crossfit H-town Nicole Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
0 rounds 151 reps
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 11/06/2012 Crossfit H-town None As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
9 overhead squats (95/65)
12 Burpees
15 Push-ups
7 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 11/01/2012 Crossfit H-town None 100 Presses (M 45/F 35)
50 OH lunges w/ Barbell (Both legs equals 1 rep)
6m 39s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 10/13/2012 Crossfit H-town None In teams of 3, each person must compete the movement before progressing to the next. Each person must wait until teammate is finished with movement. (person 1 competes 1st movement and starts on the next one. Person 2 starts the 1st movement. If person 2 catches person 1, they must stay at their station and wait until person 1 is done. Person 3 can't start until person 2 moves)

500m Row
75 Squats
40 Chest to Bar Pullups
50 Dbl unders
30 Burpees
500m Row
13m 23s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 10/11/2012 Crossfit H-town None For time:
2-4-6 reps of Squat Cleans (M 205/F 135)
Begin and end with 35 squats. Perform 35 squats between rounds.
6m 39s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 10/10/2012 Crossfit H-town None 3 rounds for time of:
10 Wall Balls (M 30/F 20)
10 KB Swings (M 70/F 55)
10 Box jumps (M 30/F 24)
4m 45s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 10/06/2012 Crossfit H-town Team Coe With a partner, Ten rounds for time of:
95/65 pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Ring push-ups
6m 02s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 10/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 RFT

500m row
15 bench press 135/65
15m 34s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 09/26/2012 Crossfit H-town None 1000m row
30 T2B
30 ring dips
750m row
20 T2B
20 ring dips
500m row
10 T2B
10 ring dips
17m 37s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 09/18/2012 Crossfit H-town None As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
2 Rope Climbs (Sub 5 K2E to C2B pullup)
5 Burpees
100m Run
7 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 09/13/2012 Crossfit H-town None 15-12-9 reps of:
Split jerk (M 115/ F 85)
4m 36s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 09/04/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 rounds for time of:
5 pullups
10 Box Jumps (M 24/F 20)
15 Burpees
20 Hand release Pushups
25 Walking Planks
23m 00s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 08/24/2012 Crossfit H-town Grace 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps 2m 58s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 08/23/2012 Crossfit H-town Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (M 55 lbs/F 35 lbs)
12 Pull-ups
9m 34s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 08/21/2012 Crossfit H-town Nasty Girls 3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang power cleans (M 135 lbs/F 95 lbs)
11m 07s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 08/19/2012 Crossfit H-town None As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
Burpee Pullover (1 first round, 2 second round, etc)
10 tuck jumps
Wall climb (1 first round, 2 second round, etc)
10 hand release pushups
5 rounds 3 reps
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 08/07/2012 Crossfit H-town None 3 rounds for time of:
20 wall balls (M 20/F 14)
400m run with ball
20 med ball situps
2 9-count pushups on ball
18m 13s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 07/31/2012 Crossfit H-town Karen For time:
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
8m 36s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 07/27/2012 Crossfit H-town Bench Press 5RM Bench Press 5-5-5 205 lbs
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 07/26/2012 Crossfit H-town None 100 double unders
25 Med ball situps (M 20/F 14) athlete has knees bent with feet touching wall, ball touches ground behind head, bounced off wall at the top
80 DU
60 DU
40 DU
20 DU
13m 38s
Performed as RX
Coach Acie N 07/25/2012 Crossfit H-town Cindy on Juice As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 strict ring pullups
10 hand release pushups
15 back squats (M 95 lbs/F 65 lbs)
11 rounds 21 reps
Performed as RX